00 Journey Out

15 images

01 Halmstad and Gothenburg, Sweden

224 images

02 Oslo, Norway

180 images

03 Berlin, Germany

293 images

04 Amsterdam, Holland

321 images

05 Nieuw Statendam

187 images

06 Copenhagen, Denmark

126 images

07 Warnamunde, Bad Doberan and Rostock, Germany

71 images

08 Tallinn, Estonia

112 images

09 St Petersburg, Russia

417 images1 video

09a From Internet

16 images

10 Helsinki, Finland

64 images

11 Stockholm, Sweden

113 images

12 Kiel and Hamburg, Germany

50 images

13 Aarhus, Denmark

68 images

14 Behind the scenes Nieuw Statendam

103 images

15 Journey In

24 images